With Brothels And Strip Clubs you can have fun in Barcelona on almost any budget. If you’ve got €500, you can have a unforgettable time. €150? still wont forget your night. €50? You can still have fun. €30 You’re still in for a good night .
Tomēr Barselonas striptīzklubiem ir reputācija kā dārgi, un tas ir pamatota iemesla dēļ. Visizplatītākā ieejas maksa striptīza klubā bez augšpuses tagad ir vismaz 20 eiro ar bezmaksas dzērienu, un lielākā daļa klubu cenas ir no 10 € līdz 20 eiro par katru pēc tam , un, pieskaitot taksometra maksu no vairuma viesnīcu un vēl 20 eiro. -40 eiro, ja jums ir klēpja deja, jūs meklējat 60–120 eiro.
€30 budget strip club or brothel offer
Let’s say I’m a tourist in Barcelona for the weekend, staying in the W HOTEL with two of my friends, and after two crazy nights , I’ve got only €30 left for fun. I was really hoping to see a strip club while I was in town. Is there anywhere I can afford to go?
Priecājos, ka pajautāji. Mūsu iecienītākajā klubā ir atvērts alus bāra piedāvājums tikai par €30.
Plus you get free transport there and back. (Return only until 4am)
last but not least a free private dance with the door closed behind you.
Also If you go in a taxi to any of the strip clubs or brothels you will be charged min €50 and more as they make a big commissions from the tourists in Barcelona
Brothels Barcelona offers exclusive bottle service packages. Prices are are 40% off in-club menu pricing when you book in advance.
You can book a limo too take you and your friends too the club in style
The girls are from all around the world in the clubs of Barcelona, so the choice will meet every ones needs.
We can provide unforgettable nights, strippers and great hangovers lol
Ja vēlaties pārsteigt Stirnu, kad viņš nokļūst klubā, mēs varam likt durvju sargiem viņu arestēt un pateikt, ka viņš gaida, kad ieradīsies policija, mēs liksim viņu aizvest kādam no mūsu striptīzdejotājiem, kas ir ģērbies kā seksīgs policists un pēc tam piedāvājiet viņam un viņa draugiem bezmaksas privāto šovu.
We are events planners in Barcelona, I Richard work directly with all the big name Strip Clubs and Brothels in the city, providing you with free transport and special offers